Our Mission
Our mission is to help clients maintain financial viability in the present, while taking a proactive approach to achieve future goals. This requires open communication to reach an understanding of our clients’ needs through research and sound analysis. Wasatch Tax Advisors is dedicated to meeting these goals with high standards of excellence and professionalism.

Our Services
Wasatch Tax Advisors provides a wide range of services to individuals and businesses in a variety of industries. At Wasatch Tax Advisors, we strive to meet each client’s specific needs in planning for the future and achieving their goals in an ever-changing financial and regulatory environment.
- Tax Management Services
- QuickBooks Accounting Help and Assistance
- Payroll Services
- Entity Selection and Restructuring
- Computer Consulting
- Financial Projections and Forecasts
- Debt and Finance Advising
- Accounting Services
- Bookkeeping/Write-up
- Estate and Trust Planning and Tax Preparation
- IRS Representation
- Cash Flow and Budgeting Analysis
- Mergers, Acquisitions, and Sales

In the News
- TAS assistance offered at local Problem Solving Days - The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) will conduct Problem Solving Day events in communities throughout the country in the coming months and year. During these events, TAS employees from a local office will be available to assist taxpayers in person with tax problems they have not been able to resolve with the IRS. Generally, TAS can […]
- Home Office Deduction & Household Employees - Getting Comfortable With The Home Office Deduction One of the great things about setting up a home office is that you can make it as comfy as possible. Assuming you’ve done that, another good idea is getting comfortable with the home office deduction. To qualify for the deduction, you generally must maintain a specific area […]
- Roth IRA Rollover Opportunity & Shifting Capital Gains to Your Children - IRS Permits High-Earner Roth IRA Rollover Opportunity Are you a highly compensated employee (HCE) approaching retirement? If so, and you have a 401(k), you should consider a potentially useful tax-efficient IRA rollover technique. The IRS has specific rules about how participants such as you can allocate accumulated 401(k) plan assets based on pretax and after-tax […]
- Why Correctible Error Authority Raises Significant Taxpayer Rights Concerns – Part 1 - People occasionally ask me which areas of tax administration worry me the most. There is certainly no shortage of candidates, but if I had to narrow it down, the IRS’s math and clerical error authority under IRC § 6213(b) and (g) would be right up there at the top of the list, along with the […]
- NTA Nina Olson Testified on IRS FY 2018 Budget Request - National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson testified before the Subcommittee on Financial Services on IRS FY 2018 Budget Request. Read her complete testimony.
- IRS Allowable Living Expense Standards Do Not Provide Taxpayers With a Sustainable Standard of Living - At TAS, we help taxpayers from all walks of life. When it comes to taxpayers with tax debt, some taxpayers have the resources to pay their debt. This blog focusses on the method the IRS uses to determine the amount of basic living expenses it should take into account if a taxpayer needs to pay […]
- IRS Frequently Asked Questions Can Be a Trap for the Unwary - At a recent hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, I was asked a seemingly simple question about what types of guidance taxpayers can rely on. Unfortunately, the answer is not simple at all. Generally speaking, there are three buckets of tax guidance: 1. Regulations – Treasury (tax) regulations […]
- Private Debt Collection: Recent Debts (Part 3 of 3) - In an earlier blog I discussed my concern about how the IRS’s private debt collection (PDC) program affects taxpayers who are likely experiencing economic hardship. In this blog, I want to share my concern that the IRS is not making good business decisions as it implements the PDC initiative. Since 2004, Internal Revenue Code (IRC) […]
- Success Story: TAS Advocates for Return of Levied Proceeds - Every year the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) helps thousands of people with tax problems. This story is only one of many examples of how TAS helps resolve taxpayer issues. All personal details are removed to protect the privacy of the taxpayer. TAS assisted a taxpayer who had been waiting over two years for the IRS […]
- Private Debt Collection: Hardship (Part 2 of 3) - I have always had concerns about outsourcing tax debts to private collection agencies (PCAs). First, I believe tax collection is an “inherently governmental function” within the meaning of section five of the 1998 FEAR Act that should be performed only by federal employees. Second, as a TAS study of the last private debt collection (PDC) […]